E-mail: contact@belizemangrovealliance.org    |    Phone: +501-605-6569


MarAlliance explores, enables and inspires conservation action for threatened marine wildlife and their critical habitats with dependent communities.


Jamal Andrewin Bohn
E-mail: jamal@maralliance.org
Tel: (501) 615-2724
Office: Cayo District


Mangrove Species: Red mangrove
Restoration Site: Caye Caulker
Land Tenure: Private land, State owned / Public land
Sectors Engaged: CBOs, Village leaders, Youths

Mangrove Species: Red mangrove, Mangrove ecosystems generally
Restoration Site: Caye Caulker, Belize City
Land Tenure: Private land, State owned / Public land
Sectors to be Engaged: CBOs, Youths, Tourism sector, Private sector


Mangrove Species: Red mangrove, Mangrove ecosystems generally
Location: Caye Caulker
Target Audience: Village leaders, Youths, Tourism sector, Private sector
Reach: 600+


Mangrove Species: Mangrove ecosystems generally
Location: Caye Caulker, Belize City
Participating Stakeholders: Youths, Tourism sector, Fishing sector, Private sector